Thursday, July 3, 2008

blog #5 computer ethics

what is your computer ethics program?

Society in general and organisations in particular are becoming more dependent upon computer technology. Those responsible for the development and application of computer technology are faced with decisions of increasing complexity which are accompanied by many ethical dilemmas.Such person explain that computer technology is a special and unique technology, and hence the associated ethical issues warrant special attention. Indeed, points out that there is a need to understand the basic cultural, social, legal and ethical issues inherent in the discipline of computing. For these reasons it is imperative that as a future computer professionals are taught the meaning of responsible conduct. The inclusion of computer ethics in a professional development programme will develop in individuals, as Maner puts it, "a reasoned and principled process by which reflective moral judgements are made". It is important to be very clear as to what is being addressed by the inclusion of computer ethics for the use of the term "ethical dilemmas" can be misleading. It is pointed out that it is not necessary that a dilemma should have an unwelcome conclusion; but from the use in rhetoric the word has come to mean a situation in which each of the alternative courses of action leads to some unsatisfactory consequence. This misconception must be countered by a precise definition of the professional development programme. Constantly the objectives of the professional development programme within computing should include: an introduction to the responsibilities for their profession, articulating the standards and methods used to resolve non-technical ethics questions about their profession, developing some proactive skills to reduce the likelihood of future ethical problems.

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