Friday, July 11, 2008


President of Honda R&D ... "Racing to Green Mobility" is a theme intended to make the 2009 SAE World Congress an important platform for the world's automotive engineers to share their best thinking and to encourage one another to create new technologies and products to help realize a greener and more sustainable future for our industry and society. "We are pleased to welcome Bosch, a company dedicated to innovation, as our Tier 1 Strategic Partner in the race to green mobility," said Kato. ... Honda is hoping to help boost the 2009 World Congress by encouraging the presentation of more technical papers and booths at the event. Honda revealed that it plans to present more than 50 technical papers at next year's World Congress, many related to the advancement of Honda environmental technologies . ... Honda is globally committed to minimizing air emissions from its products and factories. Honda is working to achieve its goals by reducing CO2 emissions by improving the energy efficiency of Honda manufacturing plants and by improving the fuel efficiency of its automobile, powersports and power equipment products. Honda's legacy of environmental leadership includes a long list of industry firsts, including the world's first low-emission vehicles, America's first gasoline-electric hybrid car, and the world's first EPA- certified hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

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